On a recent foray to Yonkers, I spotted this crumbling mansion at 235 Palisade Avenue

So much history radiating from the house...I crossed the street.

Overgrown flora, peeling paint, shutterless windows (described as double-arched windows in a news story), wood ramps, no trespassing signs and security camera warning signs, a metal chair, tall trees in the front yard--I couldn't not get closer.
Here's a closer view:

A side view:

Located in Yonker's Delavan Terrace Historic District, the mansion, according to a 2018 news story, was condemned after building inspectors determined it was unfit for human habitation:
"Two women who are sisters were forced to leave the property at the time of the
condemnation. One of the residents, Natalie Kosubal, said she fell behind on the house maintenance and mortgage payments after losing her job…The Italianate-style building includes wooden cornices, ground-floor columns and double arched windows. In 2016 the home fell into foreclosure and was acquired by Victoria Ellman, Kosubal's daughter."
She paid $1
A 2008 New York Times review of a book about historical landmarks in Yonkers mentions Italianate Revival structures, including the Copcutt Mansion on Nepperhan Avenue, the Deyo House at 1 Bell Place, but refers to 235 Palisade Avenue as an "unnamed residence."
The house is located in the Delavan Terrace Historic District, created after the city allowed the 2007 demolition of the Smith-Collins House:

researching more details you might find this interesting: www.instagram.com/houseonpalisade